A message pleases, a message with content, enchants: What is content in marketing?
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:10 am
Content is a gift in the form of writing, images, videos, among others, that as brands, companies or simply advertisers, we can give to users so that they can obtain practical information on a particular topic.
Is content important? Well, nowadays it seems to be not only important, but above all, the most important thing. That is, only to the extent that it has something interesting to say to a particular person.
When we talk about content, we often refer to the marketing kuwait mobile number list strategy . However, content itself is an issue that can encompass other even larger areas, such as life itself.
To tell the truth, the last thing I said is part of a reflection that I set myself the task of constructing a few days ago. It so happens that I experienced something that made me think.
I went out with a guy we had been seeing for a while. He was always sitting there, so attractive, I took the risk of asking him out. But, oh my! It was about two hours of silence, because that guy had nothing to talk about.
Well, I shouldn't be so unfair. Rather let's say that we were simply not that compatible. I let myself be captivated by that image and oh surprise! Nothing to do with my interests. I can't even feel disappointed, I just think that I came to the wrong place, with the wrong person to try to share the wrong content and possibly he must have thought the same of me.
I told my friend about the event, because she knew very well that I was really looking forward to that date. And between the mockery and the “I told you so” that she always gives me, she made me realize that if I worked with marketing-related matters, why had it not occurred to me to do the appropriate research to find out who he was and if his interests were compatible with my expectations?
How right you are
However, his assessment made me reflect even outside my personal situation. I thought about my daily work, that of creating content as a digital marketing strategy . And I concluded, although not in a new way, that beyond considering it something fundamental, content is based on learning to know the interest of those who consume it to know if they can be given what they want .
In other words, the key is not just to appear attractive, but to maintain attention through appropriate communication so that it becomes information, but even more importantly, it becomes content that touches the right chords in the life of the person to whom it is addressed.
Is content important? Well, nowadays it seems to be not only important, but above all, the most important thing. That is, only to the extent that it has something interesting to say to a particular person.
When we talk about content, we often refer to the marketing kuwait mobile number list strategy . However, content itself is an issue that can encompass other even larger areas, such as life itself.
To tell the truth, the last thing I said is part of a reflection that I set myself the task of constructing a few days ago. It so happens that I experienced something that made me think.
I went out with a guy we had been seeing for a while. He was always sitting there, so attractive, I took the risk of asking him out. But, oh my! It was about two hours of silence, because that guy had nothing to talk about.
Well, I shouldn't be so unfair. Rather let's say that we were simply not that compatible. I let myself be captivated by that image and oh surprise! Nothing to do with my interests. I can't even feel disappointed, I just think that I came to the wrong place, with the wrong person to try to share the wrong content and possibly he must have thought the same of me.
I told my friend about the event, because she knew very well that I was really looking forward to that date. And between the mockery and the “I told you so” that she always gives me, she made me realize that if I worked with marketing-related matters, why had it not occurred to me to do the appropriate research to find out who he was and if his interests were compatible with my expectations?
How right you are
However, his assessment made me reflect even outside my personal situation. I thought about my daily work, that of creating content as a digital marketing strategy . And I concluded, although not in a new way, that beyond considering it something fundamental, content is based on learning to know the interest of those who consume it to know if they can be given what they want .
In other words, the key is not just to appear attractive, but to maintain attention through appropriate communication so that it becomes information, but even more importantly, it becomes content that touches the right chords in the life of the person to whom it is addressed.