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Video: History of admission to St. Petersburg State University

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:12 am
The Hirsch index, which appeared in 2005, can be computerized in its application. The h-index takes into account the number of publications and the number of scientists citing the article. A physicist who has published 5 articles that have been cited 40 times will have an h-index of 5 units. The author of one article that has been cited 600 times will poland number for whatsapp not receive any advantages either. Hirsch himself acknowledges the shortcomings of the method. As an example, he cites the works of Einstein, who would have received an index of 4 or 5 at the beginning of his career.

Leading Russian scientists also note such shortcomings of bibliometric indexing as the large (by an order of magnitude) index value for biologists and physicians compared to the results of representatives of technical sciences, physicists, and mathematicians. The advantage of English-language publications, which are meaningless (often untranslatable or not cited abroad) for Russian linguists, methodologists, literary scholars, and art historians, is also obvious.

However, various methods of calculating the Hirsch index are used by such authoritative citation-analytical databases as Web of Science , Scopus , PubMed (database of biological, medical publications), CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service of the United States), NASA AIS , Google Scholar . In these databases, each of which increases by a million messages per year, the international h-index can be increased only by the constant publication of new scientific articles.

In Russia, the scientific citation assessment service ( RINC ) operates according to the principles of the Hirsch index. But the results of publications in the RINTS are calculated, first of all, to determine the effectiveness of the work of scientific teams, to compare the places of universities in the city, region, and Russia. When indexing individual authors in the RINTS, many leading Russian scientists note the bias of the service and the incorrectness of co-authorship.



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How to write an abstract for your scientific article correctly. Abstract requirements, content, common mistakes.
So, you have completed your titanic work! The scientific article is neat and readable, correctly formatted and checked several times. There is only one obstacle between you and publication - writing an abstract. If you have never done this before, the task may seem very simple. How can there be any difficulties with a brief description of your work, which you know inside and out? In fact, the abstract often causes great difficulties (as well as the conclusion ). In this article, we will give recommendations on writing an abstract that will bring you closer to publication in a scientific journal.