Your Koi Breeding Area While

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Your Koi Breeding Area While

Post by hasan018542 »

you are waiting for your Koi to show signs of spawning, it is a good time to get the breeding pond or tank ready for them. A place to lay eggs is needed by the fish. This can be as simple as some evergreen branches tied together, or a piece of plastic pipe attached to an old, half-unraveled piece of rope. The eggs of the koi are quite sticky, and they need something available for them to stick to. The Koi Eggs You should be able to see the eggs with the naked eye.

Any eggs that are going to be infertile will turn opaque. Fertile onesuk business email database will be clear, and you might have to look harder in order to see them. When it is almost time for the eggs to hatch, you can see a couple of tiny black spots inside them. These are the eyes of the baby koi. Remove the Parents Once you think the Koi have spawned, you will want to remove the fish from the breeding pond or tank. This is because the parents will eat the eggs first chance they get if they are allowed to stay in the tank.


Keep the temperature in the breeding area around 23 degrees Celsius for the next few days until the Koi fry hatch out. Look at Those Eggs. When the fry have hatched, do not feed them for three days. Keep the temperature at around 70 to 75 degrees, a perfect temperature for growing Koi fry. If your female Koi are like most, you are going to be astonished at the number of eggs you will see. Estimates have placed the number of eggs a female Koi is capable of releasing at up to 300,000.
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