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"Is that thing any good? What's more,

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:26 am
by zihadhosenjm55
"Is that thing any good? What's more, is it any good to me?"

I'll make it easy for you: because if they don't know you, you don't exist . And if you exist, but they don't remember you, it's as if you didn't exist at all.

And be careful, working on your Personal Brand is not just for influencers or people who appear on TV. It is for everyone. For you, who are an entrepreneur, employee, freelancer, student… for anyone who wants to make their way, grow and stand out.

—“Marmot, everything is very nice, but give me examples,” you will tell me:

—“Say no more,” I reply:

They want you for your skills, not just your resume.
If your talent is buried in a PDF document that no one opens, how do you expect to be found?
The world is full of options, so you have to differentiate yourself.
How many consultants, lawyers, designers, or bakers do you know? A lot. Why would they choose you over the next guy? That's what your Personal Brand does: it makes you THE option.
Opportunities come when you position yourself.
If you are an expert on X topic, people will think of you first when they need help. Because they see you, read you, and listen to you.
You get paid better when you're a reference.
It's that simple. If you're recognized as the best at what you do, they'll look for you, and pay you what you ask for. Period.
Working on your Personal Brand is not a luxury, it is a necessity . Because the world is full of noise, and if you don't speak loud and clear, no one will hear you.

That applies whether you are an employee, an entrepreneur, or self-employed, or a thousand other things.

If you want to be recognized, remembered and, above all, preferred… start now .

I can help you with that. Write to me.

Or fill out this form and we can talk about it calmly.

Your name can open more doors than you imagine.

Well, to cheer you up, I'm going to give you a $100 discount. vietnam email address ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!

That in Colombian pesos is like $435,000 COP

You secure your spot and we start next year, whenever it suits you best. I know that these are days of rest for many.

Conditions: You pay before the end of the year. In fact, before January 6th.

Restrictions: I only serve 4 new clients per month, so you might want to secure your spot right away.

For example, for January I only have 2 spots available.

There you have it.



PS: Filling out the form only takes 3 minutes. And it could be the start of a better life. I'm not exaggerating.

PS2: I'm serious about the discount. But get your act together.

PS3: For those who prefer to take it little by little, I have an online Personal Branding course . It only costs $50. There is no discount on that one.