17 years since the Electronic Auction Law was enacted - 10,520/2002

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17 years since the Electronic Auction Law was enacted - 10,520/2002

Post by mostakimvip04 »

Today we celebrate 17 years since the Electronic Auction Law - No. 10,520/2002 was enacted, which allowed us to combine technology and agility in bidding processes.

The Electronic Auction Law, in addition to bringing transparency to public procurement, has enabled a scaled growth in competition, since suppliers participate virtually and from anywhere in the country. This competition has brought even more benefits, such as cost-effectiveness, resulting from the high competitiveness among suppliers who make increasingly lower bids during the public session.

In addition to these advantages, the public session can be followed in real time through the electronic auction by any interested person with internet access.

With the use of technology, other doors have opened, as in the case of the Public Procurement Portal, which provides solutions such as integration with the public administration's internal system, bringing efficiency and revolutionizing the way public bodies contract.

The Public Procurement Portal provides a modern and efficient experience center for the acquisition of public administration goods and services, through the implementation of an effective system, an excellent service center and a team of regional managers focused on offering buyers, suppliers and society a holistic view on the subject with technical assistance and specialized support in government procurement.

Since its launch, the Portal has generated savings of more than 13.537 billion Reais for municipalities and city halls, in addition to 26,300 bidding processes carried out and more than 200 thousand items negotiated per year, over the 3 years of the Portal's existence.

The electronic auction is undoubtedly one of the most efficient forms of public contracting in terms of cost-effectiveness, speed and transparency, as it is based on the constitutional principles that govern administration and it is a process that breaks geographical barriers as it is carried out over the internet.

The principle of impersonality concerns the need for the State to act impartially towards third parties, without benefiting or causing harm to specific people.

It is linked to the need for the State to always act with the aim of treating a broad group of citizens fairly and equally.

It is also linked to the understanding that the acts of public officials are always attributed to the public body for which they serve, so that the act of a public agent is also the act of a body.

Principle of Morality:

The principle of morality serves to prevent public administration from uk business email database straying from morality, as it requires administrative activity to be guided not only by the law, but also by good faith, loyalty and probity.


Principle of Advertising:

The principle of publicity obliges the public administration to publicize its administrative acts to enable third-party control.

In other words, it enables the auditing of actions taken by the administration when it is carrying out public procurement procedures.

Principle of Efficiency:

The principle of efficiency establishes that the public agent must always strive to obtain the best result with the minimum resources.

In other words, this is a fundamental principle of bidding, as one of the main objectives of this type of selection process is to obtain the best proposal.

Principle of Public Interest:

The principle of public interest, in turn, concerns the supremacy of public interest over private interest.

That is, whenever there is a conflict between public interests and private interests, the public interest must prevail.

Principle of Administrative Probity:

The principle of administrative probity concerns the employee serving the administration honestly, without taking advantage of the powers and facilities of the position for personal gain or for the benefit of any other person whom he wishes to favor.

Principle of Equality:

The principle of equality says that everyone is equal before the law.

It is one of the oldest principles, which is present in texts from ancient Greece to this day, although the closest conception to the current one is the Magna Carta, which prevented the exercise of absolute power by the King of England in 1215.

Planning principle:

The principle of planning consists of replacing the individual criteria of the public agent and improvisation with planned and tested methods.

In this sense, the public agent must always obey the principles of contribution to objectives, precedence of planning, greater penetration and scope and greater efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy without failing to comply with the rules.

From transparency:

The principle basically states that public authorities must be transparent in their actions. In other words, they must not only make their spending data available, but they must also create mechanisms to audit their actions.
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