Workplace fatigue: 5 tips to prevent it
Marketing Digital
Have you ever wondered why you feel so tired after finishing work? There are several factors that can influence this, and one of them is work fatigue . Below, we explain what this condition consists of and what actions you can take to avoid or reduce it.
What is job fatigue?
Occupational fatigue is defined as the extreme exhaustion that a person may feel during or at the end of a work day. This exhaustion can be physical, mental, sensorial and/or chronic.
It is a consequence of carrying out an activity for a long time, so you feel that your body needs a break due to a heavy workload. When it becomes chronic, it progressively and significantly affects your health.
Being a condition of exhaustion, work fatigue decreases your ability to respond and your productivity . It also hinders your daily work, such as performing simple tasks, and increases the risk of making mistakes and suffering accidents at work.
What are the symptoms of job fatigue?
Work fatigue affects the circulatory system, the digestive and respiratory systems, the nervous and muscular systems. Therefore, the most common symptoms of work fatigue are:
Physical symptoms: These are all those that cause pain or discomfort located in muscles or specific areas such as torticollis, lumbago and dorsalgia. They are mainly suffered by those who perform physical work.
Behavioral symptoms: can be easily perceived through continuous yawning, passivity, indifference, dullness, lack of concentration, disinterest, among others.
Psychophysical symptoms: these are most noticeable by the person suffering from fatigue. They arise when fatigue is physical and mental and usually affects the entire body, including the nervous system. These symptoms result in stress, drowsiness, anxiety, exhaustion, weakness and frustration.
Causes of work fatigue
Multiple factors can cause workplace fatigue. The most common causes include:
Long, intense work days: Having long, intense work days, in which high levels of physical strength and concentration are used, can lead to physical and mental exhaustion. It is best to have work schedules that do not exceed 8 hours a day, and to have at least two 15-minute rest periods a day.
Poor nutrition: consuming less or more calories than your body needs can cause imbalances in your metabolism and a significant daily deficiency of nutrients that are necessary to keep your body healthy and optimal for performing activities.
Chronic illnesses and pain: If you suffer from an illness that already taiwan contact number causes chronic muscle pain, this may be a direct cause of work-related fatigue .
Uncomfortable workspaces: Using chairs and desks that are not ergonomic, that is, those that do not have the optimal characteristics to adapt correctly to the body, can also cause work fatigue and, specifically, physical symptoms. As can a workspace with a lot of noise and little light.
Tips to prevent workplace fatigue
The prevention of workplace fatigue must be addressed in two ways. The first is related to the occupational health prevention measures and plans that a company employs to avoid an increase in occupational risks.
The second has to do with the measures and actions that a person takes into account to solve the problem.
Therefore, if at any time you consider that you have suffered from work fatigue , start by detecting the cause that generates it, seek to find a quick and effective solution, and follow these tips to minimize its symptoms:
1. Eat healthy and exercise
This involves eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet that will give you all the energy you need to complete your daily tasks, as well as exercising for at least 30 minutes a day and drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day. Try not to skip any meals, and prepare healthy lunches and snacks.
2. Plan rest periods
It is important that you sleep at least 7 hours a day to perform well and plan 10 or 15 minutes of rest between periods of high concentration to stretch, walk and clear your mind during the work day. This will help you prevent mental fatigue and muscle pain.
3. Maintain good posture while working
When you start your work, whether in your office or at home, try to sit up straight with your back against the back of your chair. The computer should be at eye level so that you do not have to strain your eyes or bend your neck. Try to keep your legs properly bent and your feet flat on the floor.
4. Build a friendly work environment
To prevent work fatigue in your office, start connecting more with your team. Establish interesting conversation topics that allow you to relax and clear your mind a little.
5. Define goals and objectives
With work days without goals, objectives and incentives, you are more likely to lose motivation. To do this, we recommend creating weekly, biweekly or monthly goals that keep you focused on work and give you personal satisfaction when you meet them.
We also recommend that you use tools that allow you to organize your tasks, such as task lists, agendas, and calendars. This way, you can avoid unnecessary efforts to remember assignments and the stress that comes from forgetting them.
Ultimately, work fatigue, being a mix of physical and mental exhaustion, is a serious health problem that affects your work performance. Therefore, it is important that you know how to prevent or minimize its impact in time.