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digital is loud, crowded and flashy; luxury is quiet and elegant;

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 4:45 am
by nrumohammadx1
digital is immediate, available, accessible, easy (close in this sense to the value system of fashion); luxury is about timelessness, culture, heritage, expertise and manufacturing expertise;
digital is transparent and explicit; luxury is implicit;
digital is about crowdsourcing, understood in its broadest sense as the collection of ideas, suggestions, opinions; luxury is about solitary creation starting from the brilliant intuition of the individual (this, at least, still seems to be the founding myth of most luxury brands);
Digital is about price: good deals and discounts; luxury is not about price: no rush to sell, no discounts.

Pushing the limits of digital: personalization and multisensoriality
In particular, according to the authors, there are two fronts on which the needs of= australia phone data luxury brands would clash with the insufficient potential of digital technologies .

If luxury requires strictly one-to-one relationships, in the anonymous universe of the web the personal relationship necessary for the transaction would be destined to rapidly disappear , cancelled out by the recourse to the automation of processes;
the world of the internet, virtual and immaterial, would not be able to support luxury strategies, which are designed for the real world and realized through immersion in a sensorial universe that is currently inaccessible to digital. Simply put, the online, sensually reductive, would not be experiential enough compared to the holistic interactions offered by luxury.
The signs of an evolution are actually unmistakable on both issues: from both a technological and cultural point of view, the path taken seems to be that of progressive personalization and ever greater multisensoriality . In the first case, the development of e-commerce and desktop and mobile apps optimized with respect to an advanced UX and the spread of social networks today allow for a two-way, polyphonic and polysemic dialogue. In the second case, the progress of augmented reality and the development of increasingly ergonomic devices have allowed the luxury shopping experience to be expanded and enriched, at least as far as the senses of sight and hearing are concerned.