Create categories

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Create categories

Post by sadiksojib35 »

Live broadcasting is the most powerful way to interact with your audience in terms of contact. You need to be prepared for tough questions, but your subscribers will appreciate your openness and honesty. Keep in mind that you should only organize a live broadcast if you are confident that listeners will come.

UGC content - ask your audience to ask questions, tell nepal whatsapp phone number interesting stories, express their opinions. Then you can use this fact to create your own posts.

Longread (including in — a large text, approximately 5 thousand characters. It is not always convenient to read a large "sheet" of text in Telegram, so you can use third-party services that provide more editing options.

The formats you choose need to match the Tone of Voice and the image of the person or company, as well as the specific platform. Text reviews are not a good fit for Bangram, and a flood of circles in Telegram is unlikely to be appreciated by clients with a busy schedule.

To make it easier to create a content plan, it’s good if you have weekly or monthly sections that will make it easier for you to generate ideas.

Sections are topics defined by a general direction. For example, on Mondays you might have market analysis, on Wednesdays an interview with a company employee, and on Fridays interesting facts about your business area.

In a blog, they can be marked with unique hashtags so that the reader can easily explore the section they like.

How long should a content plan be made for?
For two weeks . This is the best content plan option at the initial stage of content production. This way, you can quickly understand what is suitable and what is not so good. It is better if each piece of content is ready a couple of days before publication - this will give you the opportunity to thoroughly check it and make adjustments.

On the downside: when working with a two-week content plan for a long time, some topics may start to repeat themselves.

For example, on the second Thursday you realize that only three of the director's best friends are going to the live broadcasts. In this case, you can quickly make adjustments.

There is no such thing as an ideal content plan. Sometimes it is better to adjust it as you go along to suit the hot news agenda, modest budgets, or the SMM specialist’s illness than to strictly follow the planned publications.

For a month . The best version of a content plan for reporting to the customer. Many cycles within companies are tied to a month, so it will be easier for the manager to find time to study content marketing. This period allows you to distribute your efforts in advance to prepare easy and medium-complexity formats.

Long-term content plan . A content plan from one month to six months is considered long-term. It is well suited if the project has ambitious goals, such as conquering the top of YouTube or quickly promoting an account from scratch with good financing. In this case, you can formulate several promotion strategies and choose the most effective one - spend money on filming and post-production of the video. Of the minuses - life turns out to be too far from reality, so people quickly forget about the long-term content plan and start working without a plan at all.
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