New Digital Marketing Tools for Utilities: A Guide

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New Digital Marketing Tools for Utilities: A Guide

Post by nrumohammadx1 »

As we have already mentioned, it is first of all a matter of embracing a holistic vision: debt collection is not a sectoral issue, but can and must concern the entire chain that goes from the marketing and Customer Service departments to the sales ones. In short, it is necessary to take into account all the pieces of the mosaic that contribute to creating unpaid debts. Consequently, it is a matter of adopting digital and innovative solutions, which involve a new communication with users.

And as always, when it comes to Digital Transformation , the key words are two: data and people.

Be careful, because it is not just about collection management , the uruguay whatsapp resource repercussions of these operations, in fact, are also on the company's image and its positioning on the market. Now, let's take a step forward, at an operational level.

Let's look at three concrete types of actions on which to base an innovative credit management :

Enable and train cross-functional teams , so as to involve all the departments involved in credit management . In practice: marketing, sales, administration and commercial, legal, debt collection agencies. It is about breaking down the barriers that very often arise between these departments, and that make the entire process inefficient.

Automating processes : it is the best way to streamline procedures, eliminate the downtime typical of manual activities, intervene promptly in insolvency situations, saving – at the same time – time and money.

Make the most of Big Data analysis and Analytics tools in order to : take a very precise snapshot of your user base, and then organize it into segments with homogeneous characteristics, behaviors and needs; automatically track the activities to be carried out, with particular attention to all activities that are due... these are the crucial touchpoints for credit management; centralize customer information (personal data, contacts, invoices, documents, actions carried out and those still to be carried out), so as to reduce the start-up time of recovery activities.
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