We can talk about a real revolution triggered by various factors:

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We can talk about a real revolution triggered by various factors:

Post by nrumohammadx1 »

Digital Transformation , which has impacted all production sectors of all industries in a broad and profound way and the insurance sector is no exception, indeed it turns out to be important in this change;
The increase in competition , triggered by a strong trend towards market liberalization , with the emergence of new players and an unprecedented possibility of choice for users. Competition , in short, is an increasingly complex challenge: but also full of opportunities for companies, which can no longer afford to remain rigid, tied to dynamics that are now out of date.
These two topics turn out to be drivers that strengthen and stimulate a italy whatsapp resource process of continuous innovation, important themes in the field of insurtech.

To properly meet the new market needs, it is a priority to optimize the dematerialization phases , the document and contract signing processes, and the electronic storage of company documents, also for consultation and research purposes.

The need of the sector is to dematerialize documents and automate workflow management in order to sign agreements and contracts with legal value, also thanks to tools such as digital signature, while at the same time satisfying regulatory requirements.
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