Contextually tailored ads create more impact on the consumer

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Contextually tailored ads create more impact on the consumer

Post by Bappy10 »

Social media is an effective channel for advertisers to reach online consumers in Spain. In addition, according to eMarketer, it is expected that by 2026 there will be 28.6 million users in our country. In line with this, Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS), has conducted a study, Receptivity of Advertising on Social Media, on the use that consumers make of social media. As well as the receptivity that in-feed advertising has. And in particular, it analyzes the relevance of the context for social media ads on consumer perception and their purchase intention.

In Spain, social media is an effective channel, but it entails risks
Through social media, brands have an easier time reaching consumers since 99% of them have at least one account on the social media they use. In addition, 94% of them have interacted with ads on social media over the last year.

However, this growth in its impact on consumers has also motivated a progressive change in behaviour, with a rejection of inappropriate advertisements, or those outside of an appropriate context, as well as a greater caution regarding the advertisements they see in their content feeds.

When it comes to the rise of fake news, 33% of consumers say this has made them less trusting of ads they see on social media. Alongside this, 66% of them believe that personal content on social media makes them more aware of inappropriate ads being served on social media. And finally, 57% of them believe that social media is responsible for ads appearing alongside unsafe content, although 43% also believe that brands should be held accountable.

Furthermore, on social media, the type of content an ad appears next to can be considered estonia number data inappropriate and negatively influence consumer perceptions and behaviors toward brands.

Four in ten consumers (42%) have an unfavorable opinion of a brand if an advertisement appears next to content that does not fit their brand image. At the same time, 51% of them are unlikely or very unlikely to buy a product or service advertised on social media next to unsafe content.

Advertising context remains very important for consumers. In fact, 72% of them show a preference for brands whose ads on social media appear next to content that aligns with their image. In addition, 74% of Spanish consumers are likely to remember an in-feed ad if its message is related to the social media content next to which it appears. And on the other hand, 63% are likely to decide to buy a product or service advertised in their content feed if it is related to the content they are viewing.

The range of information contained in the study also offers an opportunity to discover how advertisers can optimize their advertising investment on social networks by adjusting their interests to those of consumers.

Download the study Advertising Receptivity on Social Networks at the following link.
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