There are two unpleasant situations that tend to happen
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:59 am
One's waste, another's treasure: Here's how these startups sell out with waste 12We can already imagine those people who compose their own computers: they will go crazy!
Even in the fashion market, where waste is the consequence of damaging a garment, there are brands that are in favor of repair.
“Repairing is beautiful” is the philosophy promoted worldwide by Patagonia in its Worn Wear project .
So in its stores and dedicated events you can receive free assistance for the repair of your clothes , or you can buy used items refurbished.
Internet of Things vs. Internet of Waste: Technology at the cambodia telegram data Service of Smart Waste Collection
In traditional waste management systems, municipalities and waste management companies often end up spending a lot of money and energy on inefficient waste collection.
The problem is that the collection system usually works on fixed, periodic programs that do not take into account the real capacity of the bins that contain the garbage.
Garbage piles up to overflowing before collection day arrives, causing aesthetic damage to cities , discontent among residents and damage to tourism .
On the other hand, collecting waste before the bin is full is still a disadvantageous practice for the environment, because it implies a greater frequency of travel of heavy vehicles (highly polluting) .
One's waste, another's treasure: Here's how these startups sell out with waste 13
The map of the world's most wasteful people.
Therefore, startups are developing smart waste management solutions based on IoT (Internet of Things) to reduce any current inefficiencies.
Even in the fashion market, where waste is the consequence of damaging a garment, there are brands that are in favor of repair.
“Repairing is beautiful” is the philosophy promoted worldwide by Patagonia in its Worn Wear project .
So in its stores and dedicated events you can receive free assistance for the repair of your clothes , or you can buy used items refurbished.
Internet of Things vs. Internet of Waste: Technology at the cambodia telegram data Service of Smart Waste Collection
In traditional waste management systems, municipalities and waste management companies often end up spending a lot of money and energy on inefficient waste collection.
The problem is that the collection system usually works on fixed, periodic programs that do not take into account the real capacity of the bins that contain the garbage.
Garbage piles up to overflowing before collection day arrives, causing aesthetic damage to cities , discontent among residents and damage to tourism .
On the other hand, collecting waste before the bin is full is still a disadvantageous practice for the environment, because it implies a greater frequency of travel of heavy vehicles (highly polluting) .
One's waste, another's treasure: Here's how these startups sell out with waste 13
The map of the world's most wasteful people.
Therefore, startups are developing smart waste management solutions based on IoT (Internet of Things) to reduce any current inefficiencies.