What have been the main developments in SEO this year?

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What have been the main developments in SEO this year?

Post by pappu6327 »

It is clear that in any field you have to be up to date, but specifically if we talk about SEO you have to be very up to date as there are constant changes. It is increasingly difficult to do SEO, you have to use and combine many tools and strategies to be able to conquer the first positions on Google. The main difficulty we encounter is the high demand by companies for highly competitive keywords.

[Tweet «Nowadays, positioning is a lot of little things, you have to cover a lot of areas»]

13 16Machine learning algorithm
Google is starting to use machine learning , which means australia telegram phone numbers Google's algorithm gradually learns from each search and improves itself. It creates predictions about user behavior, so we must increasingly adapt to improve our positioning.

[Tweet «Nowadays SEO must also do SEM»]

17 8Page Rank
Gone are the days when Page Rank was essential . Today it is obsolete, it is no longer updated and it is no longer used to measure the notoriety of a blog or website.

36Quality products
To work optimally, SEO must have a good public relations expert, a good programmer from the beginning so that adjustments do not have to be made, and most importantly, a good product . If our product is not good, no matter how many visits we get through SEO, the user or potential client will leave and it will be of no use to us to be well positioned.

10 24Quality content
The real key to SEO is to create quality content , something that engages and interests. Users are increasingly demanding and need to find exactly what they are looking for.

14Improve loading times
It is essential to achieve better loading times . Users no longer have patience, and if the page takes too long to load, you will not be able to position it optimally. This is one of the factors that Google's algorithm is taking into account the most.

8 22Rich Snippets
Rich Snippets have been around since 2010, but not many people use them. Today we still find a lot of websites that are not optimized and do not use microformats.

7 34Voice searches
It was brought up at a recent Google conference and it seems that these types of searches are becoming more and more important. That is why we must try to optimize our content for voice searches and try to get ahead of what seems to be the future.

24User experience
This is nothing new, Google has been analyzing it for a long time. But this year was when we really realized that Google does give importance to user behavior once they enter our website. Data such as the time spent on the site are starting to gain importance. Right now we are more aware of it and we must take it into account. The future of SEO has a lot to do with this user experience. If we think about the user, we must make the content we have on the website accessible.
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