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4. Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:29 am
by Dimaeiya323
An internal knowledge base chatbot allows you to keep a large amount of internal company information in one place. Not only for your customer service team to access, but also for the entire company. This dynamic database can be updated by product experts and customer service agents to always have the best possible answers. This single source of truth is often based on data provided by your customer-facing chatbot and will be continuously optimized.

One of the main benefits of an internal knowledge base chatbot is that it can speed up new employee training and enable new hires to become effective more quickly. This frees up more experienced staff time to focus on providing quality customer service rather than management and training.


Internal knowledge bases aren’t just for new hires – experienced colleagues can also benefit from the information they provide. It’s virtually impossible for an employee to have all the information they need to do their job at all times. That’s why an internal chatbot is a useful reference tool.

Seeing knowledge leave your company is also a problem. In high-turnover industries such as customer service, a dynamic internal knowledge base solves the problem of knowledge retention by keeping important information at your fingertips for all team members.

The Benefits of an Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot
A knowledge base chatbot can help employees in ways no human can by giving them the information they need to do their job effectively from day one. The benefits include:

Improves the efficiency of newcomers and experienced employees

Allows teams to quickly find the right answers

Delivers a more consistent and uniform customer experience

How to use an Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot?
There are many areas of your business that could benefit from an internal knowledge base chatbot. Here are a few:

Internal Processes
Sometimes a chatbot is smarter than some internal systems. A dynamic internaluth to work president email lists with the same base of information. Improve your employee experience while improving the customer experience. Each employee can search for an answer, check if it is correct, and receive instructions on how to use it in their work, all from a single system. This allows you to get the best answer, no matter the situation.

Customer service
Searching for data across multiple systems is a practice that is doomed to disappear. The point of a knowledge base is to be able to store everything in it. Make sure your company updates the content of the knowledge base so that your agents and chatbot always have the best answer available. By using the same data, the customer experience will be more consistent and uniform.

A dynamic knowledge base is not only for knowledge sharing, it can also improve collaboration between teams. Employees from all departments can find, share, and update information from one place. This will improve visibility into what other teams are doing, leading to better understanding, greater collaboration, and new insights.

Use Case: Vattenfall's Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot
When Vattenfall launched the Nina chatbot on its website, data analysis showed that employees also used Nina to find answers to their questions. Customer service immediately adopted Nina to search for answers and data while on the phone with a customer.