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PDF invoices: are you familiar with the new tax calendar?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:03 am
by shukla7789
PDF invoices will be accepted and considered electronic invoices for all purposes provided for in tax legislation.

Note: The Government has postponed the deadline for accepting PDF invoices for the sixth time. Companies can now use PDF invoices for another year, after the Government postponed the date to stop treating them as electronic invoices from December 31, 2022 to December 31, 2023, according to Order No. 8/2022-XXIII .

In view of the effects of the pandemic on economic activity, the Government has been successively making the tax calendar more flexible with regard to issues of mutual collaboration between the Tax Administration and citizens and companies. This time, the Executive decided to extend the possibility of invoices being issued and circulated in PDF format, instead of on paper, and adjusted the tax calendar to other parameters.

Tax news: from PDF invoices to the Single Document Code
PDF invoices until December 31, 2023

The mandatory implementation of the Qualified Digital Signature would israel whatsapp number database into force on January 1, 2023. However, according to the new order, until December 31, 2023 , PDF invoices must be accepted, which will be considered electronic invoices for all purposes provided for in tax legislation.

Invoice communication in 2023

The Government has extended the deadline for submitting invoices to the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) in 2023 by 3 days. This means that the deadline set by the 2022 State Budget for sending invoices - the 5th of each month - is now extended to the 8th.

As stipulated in Decree Law No. 28/2019, in 2021 all documents with tax relevance would have to present a QR Code and a Unique Document Code, known as ATCUD .

After the QR Code remained mandatory at the beginning of the year, the ATCUD will only become mandatory from January 1, 2023.

Inventory communication
Another tax obligation that will also be relaxed in 2023 will be the submission of inventories. This submission may occur, also without additional charges or penalties, until February 28th (instead of January 31st).

Electronic Invoicing in Public Contracts

The mandatory implementation of Electronic Invoicing in Public Contracts for all micro, small and medium-sized companies supplying the State remains in place until January 1, 2023.

Agile and rapid response to new tax guidelines

Keeping up with legislation and tax obligations is not simple, even when it involves simplifying processes for companies.

PRIMAVERA, always attentive to these changes and continuously updating its fiscal information , will allow organizations to respond to the new fiscal guidelines in a timely and efficient manner, with complete peace of mind, even in the most adverse conditions such as those we are experiencing in the current context.