How to Create a Blog Marketing Plan?

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How to Create a Blog Marketing Plan?

Post by shukla7789 »

This entry is being written because I followed the voice of readers who wanted to see a sample marketing plan for a blog. It's been a while, but finally a post on this topic is being written. A few remarks before you see a sample marketing plan. There are different types of personalities and each of them likes something different. Also, when it comes to plans (including a marketing plan). One person would like to have every, even the smallest task, every penny spent, planned.

I prefer more relaxed, free-form plans. That's why you won't see a "corporate" plan in denmark whatsapp database post (every penny planned, everything written down in detail). But you will see how I approach it.

Initial assumptions
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Let's start - a sample marketing plan (how to do it - presentation of the thought pattern). Let's assume that there is a person (let's call him Francis) who started a blog a week ago. In addition, he doesn't have much money for investments (PLN 100 per month is the maximum) and can work 14-28 hours a week (on average around 20). We already know the person's situation. What might a sample marketing plan for him look like? First, he sets his marketing goal. Francis would like to earn PLN 1,000 per month on AdSense. He accepted the statistics that one person in 100 will click on the ad and for a click, he will receive an average of 20 groszy.

Goal Adjustment
He needs 500,000 hits per month. He concluded that he wouldn't start making a lot of money this way anytime soon. So he decided to supplement his blog with affiliate programs. He decided that he would do a book review once a week, then for every 100 visitors, he would have one sale. He checked the commissions and he would earn an average of PLN 5-25 per recommended sale. This means that 1,000-5,000 people need to see one review. The number is still large, but it is easier to achieve 20,000 hits per month than half a million (which is 25 times less).

After refining his monetization model, Franciszek refined his marketing goal – 25,000 unique users visit his site each month. Then he began to think about what is key to achieving the goal. He came to the conclusion that positioning will play a big role. In this way, he will ensure a steady flow of traffic to his blog. At the same time, in order to retain users for longer, he will build a mailing list.

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Complementing the marketing plan
Then he started thinking about how to supplement his plan. He came to the conclusion that if he learned how to write a blog effectively, he would achieve much more with his texts. Similarly, with positioning, he should learn as soon as possible how to do it well.

Here it was also time to decide what to spend the money on. Francis knew that he did not have a large budget. That is why he attached more importance to it. He decided that he had two main paths to choose from:

Make a squeeze page and buy paid advertising on it.
Invest in positioning (e.g. good, paid catalogues).
He decided that each month he would decide what he would spend the money on. And at the same time he set himself two rules:

Each month he must invest a minimum of PLN 20.
Must reinvest 30% of income (until it exceeds PLN 500, then 20%, and when it exceeds PLN 1,000, then 10%)
Ultimately, he decided that the key tasks that would accelerate the realization of his goal included :

Personal development (especially blogging and SEO).
Investing in business.
Building a fanpage and social marketing (he came up with it in a flash and decided he had to write it).
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Then he started thinking about what to do. He decided to brainstorm on the subject. Within an hour, he wrote down dozens of items. He was surprised by his own ingenuity and creativity. He decided that he had to put the list away because it contained many valuable ideas. However, before he did that, he wrote down the main tasks to do:

Optimizing the blog for SEO (appropriate heading, tagline, taking care of speed). Time – max 6h.
Preparing a blog to collect a mailing list. Time – max 10h.
Making a list of blogs to comment on (or checking a ready-made list of blogs) – max 5 hours.
Creating a development plan – max 3 hours.
Creating a linking and positioning plan – max 6 hours.
List of blogs to which I will propose guest articles – max 5 hours.
Setting up a fanpage – max 2 hours.
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