So, stay with me until the end of this article and I will explain the differences between the two and how to have a profitable online business .
Discover how to make recurring sales through your affiliate structure, be it a blog or mini site.
In this article…
Blog or Mini Site, How to Start Your Affiliate Structure.
Difference between Mini Site and Blog
Which is better, Blog or Mini site?
How to Make Money with a Blog or Mini Site
Blog or Mini Site, How to Start Your Affiliate Structure.
First of all, you need to decide which niche you are going to work in.
Think about what you find easiest to talk about. What you like. What you know about.
This will help you decide on your niche, as well as help you choose a name for your project.
Choose a generic name that is related to the niche you are going to work in.
This way, if the product you are promoting goes off the market or if you lose your affiliation, believe me, this can happen.
You don't lose all your work and you can choose a new product to promote.
An example of a name for crafts could be Passionate about Crafts, it is a generic name, but it has to do with the niche.
This way, the name of the project will not interfere in the choice of products.
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Blog or Mini Site, which is the best strategy?
Difference between Mini Site and Blog
Regardless of whether it is a blog or mini site, know that the fundamentals and structure are the same.
You need to have a domain, hosting , install WordPress and the Template. Create the menus and pages.
In other words, the difference is in the number of pages and posts.
You can work with 1 or multiple products on the mini site.
But my suggestion is that you take advantage of your structure and include more products from the same niche.
This way, you can build authority in the niche before Google to position yourself faster and Google starts to give more relevance to your mini site.
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Which is better, Blog or Mini site?
If you have a defined niche, you like the subject and you want people to know that you are an expert in that subject, it is worth creating a blog and becoming an authority.
Now, if you are starting from scratch and have no intention of becoming an authority, starting with a mini site may be the best option.
I will explain it better so that you have clarity and can choose which strategy is best for you to start your affiliate structure .
When you create content frequently, which could be every week or every 15 days for example, it is a blog.
Now, when you prefer not to appear, you won't work on your authority, you just want to promote some products and you won't have a frequency in the posts. It's a mini site.
This is just to define the strategy.
So, if you have decided to work with a mini site, choose 1 niche.
Likewise, choose the products you want to promote and create articles for all the products.
Now you will write some content articles to build authority finland phone number data with Google and facilitate the positioning of your articles.
In fact, you need to define how many articles you will have on your mini site, 10, 5, 20 is up to you and as it is a mini site there will be no frequency.
Unlike a blog, you are concerned with keeping the content updated and maintaining a relationship with your audience.
So, decide when you will post the articles, whether all at once or throughout the week.
Now that you know the difference in strategies, I'm sure it's easier to decide which one is best for your project.