The search engine provides us with a tool to be found by those thailand business email list who type geolocalized searches. So, if a potential customer needs a store or business in a specific place, you have to be there. How? By positioning yourself on Google maps and in the spaces dedicated to results influenced by location.
attract customers to the store
Attract customers to your store with Google.
So, how do you get new potential buyers to your sales space? Main rule: you must sign up for the service dedicated to the profile of the activities to be inserted in the search engine. How to proceed?

Just a few steps and you are online, you can put photos and add details (such as address, hours, email and phone contacts) that allow the public to choose your resource. Fundamental: you must find new positive reviews. They are essential to improve positioning for geolocalized searches.
Must Read: How to Rank on Google Maps
Is the price discount really effective?
Surely you have thought about lowering prices to attract customers to the store. But is it a tactic that works? Up to a certain point because in reality this is the ingredient of the marketing mix (product, price, location, promotion) that is least effective in the long term. The reason for this statement?