How to find and connect to a Telegram channel? Read the instructions for searching for publics and channels in Telegram. We will tell you how to join the community and not miss new publications from interesting channels.
Telegram is not just a messenger. Now you can find a channel on any topic here. Publics are run by bloggers, media, experts, online schools, even online stores.
Telegram is full of groups of various directions: entertainment, author's, intellectual, educational content. The channels gained popularity because the creation of content differs from sites, social networks. There is no need for detailed development of visuals like in Instagram. It is enough to write high-quality content.
You can find an interesting group in the Telegram channel directories, through uk whatsapp number list Google or Yandex search engines, or in the messenger's search engine itself.
Ways to search for a Telegram channel
— Launch the messenger.
- Click on the search bar located at the top of the user window.
— Enter the name of the public. If you know the exact name, write the @ symbol first.
— If you don’t know the exact name, enter a keyword. If you are looking for information on a specific topic, enter the word in the search bar. A list of chats and channels will appear in the results — choose.
— Enter the blogger's name, media outlet name, and city in the search bar to find thematic communities and Telegram versions of news sites.
Telegram Channels Catalogs
New catalog sites are constantly appearing. You can find and connect to a public on the topic of interest from the list, category. Some sites maintain ratings of popular communities - you can choose the top channel with the largest audience and connect. Using the Google and Yandex search engines, look for new ones by the request "Telegram channel catalog". Here are some examples of collection sites:
How to connect to the channel
Found the right group - all that's left is to join the number of readers and subscribers. It's easy to do:
— Open the channel. This is done by briefly pressing the line with the name.
— Look at the bottom of the screen and you will see a sign saying “Subscribe.”
Is it possible to connect to a closed channel
It is impossible to find closed publics through search — the Telegram search engine does not show them. Users who have received an invitation link join the private community. The invitation is sent by the administrators of the Telegram channel.
How to subscribe to a channel in Telegram
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- Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:51 am