Because a good introduction is everything.

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Because a good introduction is everything.

Post by Md5656se »

Delimit paragraphs
I have a love-hate relationship with the subject of short paragraphs.

I have the feeling that in the end, all editors write in such a similar way that it is difficult to distinguish one from another. What do you think?

Whatever it is, follow the rule of one paragraph, one idea.

This is how one of the paragraphs of the rewritten article would look:

How to rewrite a post - paragraphs
Using the layout
Bold, italics, quotes, ellipses and full stops were created for two things: to prevent the reader from falling asleep on the text and to help us editing maniacs sleep better.

Why not take advantage of these resources to give more dynamism to the text?

You can fall asleep reading an 18th century novel, but there's no way you can fall asleep reading a blog post, no way.

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ADS illustration
There are those who tend to roll up their sleeves like blinds, instead of just letting things go, especially when we talk about corporate texts.

We have the wrong idea (I'm the first one) that when the tone of voice in the company is formal, the sentences must be elaborate and long.

A few days ago I received an ebook about the situation of self-employed workers in the Community of Madrid.

In addition to being excellently laid out, it was written in a formal but clear tone.

Take a cue from this great ebook and focus on highlighting what's important, without beating around the bush.

How to rewrite a post - ebook
Improve the introduction
It is not the first, as you have been able to see, but philippine area code the last.


It is the gateway to the reader's interest, it is the hook to pull to keep them moving forward through the text and what they will remember when they leave.

Work hard!

Visual improvements
We are moving forward!


There is less and less time left to have a nickel-plated post .

It's time to improve the visual aspect of the post , with those additions that make it stand out from the competition.

These are some of the things you can improve.

Add new images
If rewriting a post that didn't work means adding new images, make sure of two things: that they add value and that they are well optimized.

We can't always include example images, I know.

Sometimes the article is pure theory or opinion or something else that only allows you to put "filler" images.
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