It also helps with comparisons, since infographics are able to create visual differentiation email list france between brands and features, while nurturing with high-value content. Animations Animations are not just beautiful. Okay, they look pretty, but they slide the audience through the content and help them take action. At the same time, they direct their attention to where you want them to be on the page and highlight information displayed. CTAs Just like any other content, you can add call-to-actions on interactive pieces and encourage readers to make a purchase, for example.

Apple explores it and invites people to know more about the products, detailed videos and order their devices online. Let the imagination flow and add the CTAs where the content connects to the offer! Interaction makes it better Alright! The iPhones look beautiful, the watches and airpods look amazing but what catches the most is how their content is delivered. Apple’s Marketing campaigns are beautiful, and using interactive experiences makes it even more valuable. They are able to show all the features that their devices boast and create a narrative that engages the user and makes them want to buy the product.