Having a slow URL means having a problem to fix.
You need to analyze whether your URL is slow on a browser, device, or location.
As always, depending on the strategy.
Google has already included speed as an SEO factor, if we have slow URLs it is just a matter of time before we start having indexing problems and, most importantly, with our users.
We users are not patient, we know what we want to see and we want it now.
If not, we will look for it on the rest of the pages that we know can offer the same information.
We need to assess when a URL is born slow or when a URL becomes slow.
If a URL is born slow, indexing its content can be a problem.
Probably due to introducing too many URLs or scripts (little programs), but if a URL that was fine becomes slow, it is for two reasons: a server failure or a programming error.
That is why we must always be very attentive to this type of warning and resolve it.
Pages have temporary redirects
Now it is simply warning us that there are a number of URLs with a redirect, or in other words, there is a URL that when opened sends the user to another URL.
By sending a user, or Google, from URL to URL, what we are really doing is wasting their time crawling.
This is not the biggest problem we can have in SEO, but it is true that if we have a high number of redirects in our domain, we will be wasting users' time.
To fix this we will need to evaluate whether these URLs should be redirected or not.
To make this decision, it is best to find out if the URL is indexed in Google or if i number code philippines t has any links of interest.
If not, we just need to remove this redirection. Either from our CMS configuration or from the .htaccess file.
Sitemap.xml not found
It indicates that it does not find the sitemap file but it is not saying at any time that it does not exist.
As we have mentioned before, not having a sitemap can be a problem so it is good to check this point.
Check that the sitemap exists and that Search Console is aware of it.

Pages don't have enough text within the title tags
In this case it is telling us that the title text is short but, as always, we have to know if it is because it is part of an SEO strategy.
Titles are something we can modify in a strategy if we do not get the desired results.
And if we see that we have a series of URLs that have a short title that has not achieved results, it is a good starting point to begin restructuring the domain.
If you want to change the size of a title, it is advisable to use two strategies: either we go to brand, that is, we introduce the brand in the domain title or we use it to include keywords that we are interested in positioning.
Always try to increase the CTR (the number of times we are clicked on in Google results) with words that attract the user's attention and are part of the SEO strategy, such as "free quote", "the best guide to" and others that convince users.