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Advanced marketing reporting

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:48 am
This new feature is currently in beta testing and will soon be available for all Nutshell customers.

More SMS capabilities like text automation and SMS telegram free number philippines marketing are in the works, so stay tuned for more updates after the initial SMS launch.

Whether a website visitor is a potential lead or a returning customer looking for support, Nutshell’s Webchat will help your team provide a great experience.

Webchat will give your visitors the chance to start a conversation with your team right from a chat bubble on your website, empowering you with a more holistic view of all your customer interactions. You’ll be able to place Nutshell’s Webchat on your site to provide support for your customers and use as a sales and lead generation tool.

Along with the new marketing dashboard, we’ll also be rolling out advanced marketing reports to help you gain even more insight into your marketing efforts.

Scheduler round-robin assignment


Planificateur de réunions
One of our most frequently requested features is round-robin scheduling in Nutshell Scheduler, and it’s set to launch this quarter. You’ll have more control over how contacts book time with your team so you can provide them with the best possible experience.

Custom date fields in Nutshell Forms
We’re adding custom date fields to Nutshell Forms, enabling you to collect specific dates from your leads and customers whenever they fill out a form.

Transcription and summarization of click-to-call phone calls
Nutshell’s click-to-call feature allows your sales team to launch and record phone calls with leads and customers directly from their contact page in Nutshell. This quarter, we’re upgrading click-to-call to support transcription and summarization of your recorded calls, so you can keep your team in the loop about every conversation.

App Marketplace updates
Our goal is to ensure Nutshell works with the software your company already uses to help minimize data entry and maximize efficiency. Last quarter, we added one more instant integration and 40 more integrations to our App Marketplace. And over the next three months, we aim to add another 30+ applications to our App Marketplace.

Stay tuned for new releases!
These new features and updates will help you engage with your leads and customers more effectively through text messaging, web chat, meeting scheduler, and your Nutshell-powered marketing efforts.