Can any segment increase sales on Black Friday?
Yes! As long as you know your customers' desires, here are some examples:
Accounting: create a new feature for your system, or offer personalized consulting for a promotional price.
If you have a platform, consider a 15-day free trial at a more attractive price.
Law: whether you are a company or a self-employed lawyer, separate country code philippines list some areas of law and sell a specific service package during Black Friday.
Unlike consulting here, you include more options to appeal to people with different problems.
Medical and beauty clinics: November is prostate cancer awareness and prevention month; if you perform any preventive exams, use Black Friday to encourage men to schedule an appointment for less.

Or in the case of beauticians, a package of services such as, for example, melasma treatment + facial harmonization for X amount.
Clothing stores: you've probably seen something like "50% off on the entire store" in a shopping mall or "40% off on items over R$100 + free shipping".
If you know that most of your customers wear sizes M and L, you can reduce prices for just those sizes; this helps with stock renewal.
Electronics: As we always say, knowing your customer is the most important thing and helps you create offers that will work both in-store and on the website.
Many people wait for Black Friday to change their cell phone, or to buy an iPhone at affordable prices.
Choose 5 brands that sell little all year round and use Black Friday to encourage purchases.
Other segments that can sell a lot this Black Friday
Food: free delivery, if you pick up your second order in store you get a 10% discount, buy one and get the second one for free, or a category of dishes will have special offers; it all depends on the product you offer and which one you want to promote.
Travel: the price of airline tickets may be lower, as may the sale of packages.
If a 3-day package in Orlando, Florida costs 10 thousand reais, customers who book during Black Friday get a 20% discount.
Or if you know that most people access your website looking for hotels in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, focus on offers for that destination.