According to a study published by Chet Holmes in the book The Ultimate Sales Machine , only 3% of users are actively searching for a product/service on the web. Another 7% are willing to listen to a sales message. This means that the remaining 90% are not prepared for any type of approach from the sales team. Therefore, should companies limit themselves to just 10% of consumers? Or should sales teams dedicate more effort to contacting potential customers through the famous cold calls? The answer is “no” to both questions. Through Inbound Marketing , Information Technology (IT) companies can arouse interest in the remaining 90% of the market, in an automated way and with organic interaction. To do this, companies must focus on creating automation flows for each stage of the sales funnel, guiding the Lead from the initial stages to the moment of purchase.
Lead nurturing automation
The structure of automation flows
ToFu: Automation Flows for the Moment of Discovery
MoFu: Automation Flows at the Point of Consideration
BoFu: Creating business opportunities with automation flows
Lead nurturing automation
Communication with Leads is essential for both acquiring and developing a relationship with your IT company. However, developing this communication manually requires time and resources, which are usually scarce in the Marketing teams of an IT company.
Nutrition automation is a fundamental step for companies that aim to grow in a sustainable, scalable and predictable way.
From the Top (ToFu), through the Middle (MoFu) until reaching the Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu), it is important to create automation flows for the sales funnel, in order to spark interest in the Lead to advance to the next stage.
The structure of automation flows
At first, the automation flow may seem complex and difficult to execute. However, by using a Marketing Automation service, you can execute the entire process in one place, aligned with your Lead base and segmentation.
The automation flow should be thought of as a conversation saudi arabia companies email list with your potential Customer. Depending on the stage they are at in the Buying Journey, you can offer rich materials such as eBooks, infographics and templates that help them learn more about the subject and understand the importance of the solution you are offering.
The first step to creating a flow that brings results is defining the objective. Advancing the Lead to the next journey, directing them to discover a specific product or whatever the expected action may be, is essential that this is pre-established.
The next step is to define what materials that Lead will receive during the flow. Use the materials you already have in your database.
Next, you must create the emails that will make up the flow. It is essential to carefully develop all the content, from the subject line to the email signature, to ensure the best results.
ToFu: Automation Flows for the Moment of Discovery
At the beginning of the purchasing process, the Lead is still finding out about the problem and possible solutions. Therefore, the materials that make up the automation flow at this stage of the funnel should serve to answer more general questions.
Let's use as an example a company whose main product is project management software for SMEs.