Times of Crisis? How Inbound Marketing can pave the way

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Times of Crisis? How Inbound Marketing can pave the way

Post by shukla9966 »

The arrival of the economic crisis has caused great concern for companies, such as the drop in sales percentages and, consequently, in their profits. Marketing and sales teams try to find magic formulas to increase financial profitability by focusing on products, but they end up forgetting that the new digital marketing strategy is focused on the customer . New communication services offer concepts that can contribute to the financial health of your business, using simple methods that generate exponential customer interest in the brand. One of these concepts is Inbound Marketing , a resource that provides a 62% saving in operational costs compared to traditional marketing (outbound), becoming a fundamental exponent in these times of crisis.

But what is the magic formula for this digital email list uk strategy?


This equation can be summed up in a basic principle: focusing on the customer, not the product. Classic marketing actions aim to massively display products to people and, over time, have ended up generating antipathy among the general public (who are now more critical and selective about the type of information they want to consume).

Inbound strategies seek and focus on the real needs of customers, creating content and solutions that attract the attention of the brand's target audience and qualify potential consumers, in addition to the concern with post-sale loyalty.

This entire structure can be developed through Content Marketing, with publications – in blog format – that help solve users' problems, concerns and doubts.

The return on this investment can be exemplified in the cost-benefit of inbound compared to traditional marketing: according to HubSpot , 79% of companies that have blogs have shown positive results in their ROI. Sales Force research

states that 80% of executives or managers prefer to obtain information from companies through articles rather than advertisements. Marketo studies indicate that 93% of purchasing cycles begin with online research and SEO techniques, used in Inbound Marketing, are essential for potential customers to find your company's content.
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