One of the biggest challenges for B2B companies is generating results with marketing actions. This is because, unlike B2C, the sales process is more complex and involves a greater number of decision-makers. In addition, B2B companies often have a more restricted and specific target audience, which makes it even more difficult to reach them with effective marketing actions. Therefore, it is essential to invest in well-defined strategies and solid planning that takes into account the particularities of this market and the needs of its customers.
However, as companies and marketing areas mature, you who work in the field know that the pressure to cut costs and deliver sales results is only increasing. For some time now, the conversation within B2B marketing has changed.
Marketing actions, campaigns, events, among others, that do not generate business results, that is, do not have a return on investments made (ROI), are being left aside.
The Anteriad * report , published on the Martech blog , on B2B marketing, reports that:
70% of marketing executives
Marketing operations leaders need to france companies email list ROI, with indicators that indicate the impact generated in the sales funnel.

The crucial point is to understand what ROI (return on investment) is. This is a metric that measures the profit obtained from marketing investments. In other words, it is the relationship between the money invested and the money earned from marketing actions. It is essential that B2B marketing professionals keep this metric in mind, since the pressure to deliver results only increases. Based on ROI, it is possible to identify which actions are working and which ones need to be rethought to obtain more effective results and, consequently, ensure the company's survival in the market.
New call to action
Returning to the study, the findings point to a not-so-easy list of challenges. Working to bring in "revenue" from marketing has been almost mandatory, while generating leads and increasing brand awareness are also important objectives cited.
On the other hand, we are also seeing a scenario of budget cuts. Marketing budget cuts can be devastating for B2B companies. This is because it is necessary to invest in well-defined strategies and solid planning to generate effective sales results.
When budgets are reduced without any analysis of revenue generated, the company may cut actions, channels or suppliers that represent the highest cost in the budget lines, without considering the impact on ROI.
Usually the decision comes from the top, "you need to reduce your budget."
For those who do not have technology , reliable data and established measurement models, the reduction happens on top of the highest costs in the budget lines, without analysis of the revenue generated. This is a completely wrong move, in our humble opinion.
The truth is that the landscape has changed. In fact, operational marketing, as we know it, is changing faster than we imagine.