a part of your lead generation 2.0 martech stack. See your leads now when you sign up for our free 14-day trial. What is buyer intent data? How to capture buyer intent How to analyze buyer intent Use buyer intent to make smart decisions Share Spend 5 minutes online, and you can find an innumerable amount of charts and graphics that compare the ROI of various marketing channels.
Like this: user buyer intent data roi And france email database this one: user buyer intent data marketing charts And maybe even this one: user buyer intent data marketing channel What is suspiciously common about all these is that they always prescribe a magical solution: a channel — sometimes related to the service the brand is selling — that’s better than anything else out there. Maybe a one-size-fits-all channel would be a good solution in a world of one-size-fits-all businesses, but why would anyone claim it works in our world where every business is so different? That’s why we believe that instead of relying on the honest word of internet influencers and self-proclaimed marketing ninjas, you should find out what is the best marketing channel for your business.
I can already hear you say “But I don’t have the time/money/audience to run surveys and perform complicated statistical analysis!” You don’t need to! Everything you need to answer these questions for your own business is already here — in the data your business generates every day. Website visits. Micro conversions. Trials started. Product usage. Subscriptions. Payments. In this article, I want to show you how you can use your customer and buyer intent data to find out what are the best channels for your business.