Do you know what this document is and what it is for?
The Technical Capacity Certificate is used by the public authorities to ensure that the potential supplier company has the technical ability to deliver the products or services that they are seeking to contract.
Want to know more about this topic?
Then read the text that the Public Procurement Portal wrote on the subject below!
Happy reading!
Read also: How to participate in a bidding process: step by step guide to the entire process
What is a Certificate of Technical Capacity?
The Technical Capacity Certificate is a document that serves to prove that the company that wins a bid has the competence to fulfill the purpose of the notice.
This certificate is part of the documents that technically qualify the company and serve to prove to the public body that the contracted company really has experience and expertise.
Therefore, the Technical Capacity Certificate is a simple declaration, made by another company or public body that has already contracted the supplier company before.
In other words, it is as if it were a letter of recommendation from one of the customers who were already satisfied with the products or services provided .
This statement will prove that your company has already performed a similar service or delivered products as required in the notice before.
Therefore, this document must contain all the information about the company or body that is issuing it, as well as all of your company's data.
It must be done on letterhead and signed by the person responsible for the company or public body that is declaring jurisdiction.
In addition, it must contain details of how the previous service or product was provided, i.e. how long it lasted, what the quantities were, whether the service was performed well, the time it occurred and the delivery time, etc.
Understand the legislation
Understand the legislation on technical capacity certificate
The legislation discusses the subject in the New Bidding Law , Law No. 14,133/21, in Art. 67, in items I and II. Check it out:
Art. 67. Documentation relating to technical-professional and technical-operational qualifications shall be restricted to:
I - presentation of a professional, duly registered with the competent professional council, where applicable, holding a certificate of technical responsibility for the execution of work or service with similar characteristics, for contracting purposes;
II - certificates or attestations, regularly issued by the competent professional council, where applicable, which demonstrate operational capacity in the execution of similar services of equivalent or greater technological and operational complexity, as well as supporting documents issued in accordance with § 3 of art. 88 of this Law;
Why is the Technical Capacity Certificate required?
The public authority may require a Certificate of Technical Capacity in its notice, essentially to protect itself.
As we have seen, this certificate is almost like a kind of “letter of recommendation” and serves to prove that the company has the necessary expertise to deliver the object tendered.
For this reason, ultimately, the Certificate of Technical Capacity serves to ensure that the public authorities have security when doing business with private companies.
Especially in highly complex services or those involving a very specific mobile phone number database technical specialty, the Technical Capacity Certificate serves to protect the public authorities when doing business with a reliable company.

What information should be contained in the Certificate?
What information should be contained in the Certificate
There is some information that is essential and must be present in the Technical Capacity Certificate. These are:
The signature of the person responsible for the private company or public body issuing the certificate;
Corporate name of the private company or public body issuing the certificate;
CNPJ of the private company or public body issuing the certificate;
Address of the private company or public body issuing the certificate;
Corporate name of the company contracted in the bidding process;
CNPJ of the company contracted in the bidding process;
Address of the company contracted in the bidding process;
List of products that the contracted company provided or services that the contracted company performed;
The quantities, duration and period of the contract;
The degree of satisfaction of the private company or public body issuing the certificate.
Remembering that this document must also be provided on the letterhead of the private company or public body that is issuing the certificate.
Does the service or product in the Certificate need to be the same as in the notice?
The service or product in the Certificate must be the same as in the notice
This is a very common question for those who are participating in bidding processes: after all, does the service or product in the certificate need to be exactly the same as the notice?
For those who have this doubt, we have good news: no! The service or product described in the certificate does not need to be exactly the same as that requested in the notice.
In fact, the service or product must be similar to that provided for in the notice, and this is very different from being the same or identical.
In other words, the Technical Capacity Certificate that you must submit only needs to be relevant and similar to the object of the bid. It does not need to be exactly the same thing.
This means that the service or product described in the certificate must have had quantities and deadlines close to those required in the notice.
Remembering that it is also necessary for the certificate to state whether the person issuing the certificate was satisfied with the product or service.
If the bidding notice requires that the quantity of the certificate be exactly the same, it may be challenged, as a requirement of this nature is illegal.
It is also not necessary for your company to send the invoice to prove the certificate. If, in the future, there is any doubt, the agency may request clarification.
Therefore, you also do not need to send the invoice along with the certificate in your driver's license documents.
At which stage of the bidding process is the Certificate required?
At which stage of the bidding process is the Certificate required?
The Technical Capacity Certificate is normally required after the announcement of the bid winners, in the qualification phase.
This is because the public authorities are only interested in having a certificate from the company with which they will certainly do business.
Questions about issuing the Technical Capacity Certificate
Check out below some frequently asked questions about issuing the Technical Capacity Certificate:
Does the Certificate have an expiration date?
No. The Technical Capacity Certificate does not have an expiration date . Once it is issued, it is considered permanent, perpetual.
This is because the experience acquired by the bidder with the service does not disappear over time.
In other words, from the moment such a certificate is issued, proof of the technical aptitude of the company that won the bid is consolidated.
Who can issue the Technical Capacity Certificate?
Who can issue the Technical Capacity Certificate?
The Technical Capacity Certificate must be issued by a private company or public body with which the bidding company has previously done business.
Furthermore, the service described in the document must be similar to that requested in the bidding notice, so that the public authorities have an approximate idea of whether or not your company is able to provide the products or services.
How to issue?
To issue a Certificate of Technical Competence, simply talk to some of the clients you have previously provided services to.
Choose a customer who has made a request similar to the one in the notice and has left the negotiation satisfied.
This way, you will get a more interesting recommendation to show to the government and you will be able to provide services without any major problems.
However, it is always worth remembering that the paper on which the certificate is issued must be stamped with the company issuing the certificate.
How to get a Certificate as a new company?
If your company is new to the market, the ideal is that, before participating in bids, you start providing services to other private companies in order to obtain a certificate of technical capacity.
There is no way out. If you want to sell to the government in public notices where this certificate is required, you must prove your competence.
Never falsify this document. Some companies make this mistake, asking someone they know to attest to a service that was never provided, but this is considered fraud and the consequences are very serious.
Technical Capacity Certificate Template
As the Certificate of Technical Capacity is a very simple document, there are several models available on the internet.
However, since we know you want the best, the Public Procurement Portal has created one for you to use when you win a bid. Check it out:
“We certify, for all due purposes, that the company [name of the service provider company, in bold], registered with the CNPJ under no. ____, established at Rua _________, no. __, neighborhood _________, in the city of _________, State of ___, provided services to [name of the contracting company, in bold], CNPJ no. _________, established at Rua _________, no. __, neighborhood _________, in the city of _________, State of , has the technical qualification to [describe the object of the bidding].
We record that the company provided services/delivered products [description of the services provided, specifying the execution period, the value of the contract and the invoice number] .
We also inform that the provision of services/delivery of the materials mentioned above presented good operational performance, with the company faithfully fulfilling its obligations, with nothing to discredit it technically or commercially, to date.