All activities on which banks are, however, focusing their attention for the near future. The interesting aspect here is that a relationship path between customers and banks is gradually beginning to emerge , which allows us to glimpse, as their familiarity with online dialogue grows, ample space for innovation and collaborative involvement, on issues that are not only financial. Even on the front of measuring the effectiveness of initiatives and campaigns on social channels (KPIs, Analytics and engagement and business metrics) the data are good. Overall, 86 % of the banks interviewed have adopted or are to measure the effectiveness of engagement initiatives .
SurveyABI-KPMG-2015_02 Conclusions We can therefore conclude by stating thabolivia number screening the "passive customer" has now become just a distant memory even in the banking sector, historically less inclined to change and transformation in the direction of transparency and sharing (but here we enter the more complex topic of the sharing economy that is completely overturning our way of living and consuming). Now, however, banks will also have to rethink their role and pay greater attention to the "social customer, an active figure who has broad access to product information, attentive to costs, who demands a cross-channel experience, based on the latest technologies available to them in their private life".
planning to adopt metrics
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