These are some of the characteristics that make the RFC homoclave very important :
It guarantees the validity of the RFC before the SAT: although the first characters could be calculated with the data of the individual or legal entity, the only body with the authority to assign a homoclave is the SAT.
Avoid the existence of identical RFCs : it is not so frequent, but there may be 2 or more people or companies that have the same initials and date of birth, which would make their taxpayer keys identical; thanks to the homoclave this does not happen.
It is used to carry out other whatsapp number procedures : such as paying taxes , requesting online loans, accessing a scholarship or social security program, among others.
Read more: What is a generic RFC and how to use it for billing?
What is the RFC homoclave?
Typically, the RFC homoclave is the last 3 characters in the RFC of a natural or legal person.
To give a little more context, the RFC is a code made up of numbers and letters that the Mexican government grants to both salaried workers and professionals (individuals) and companies (legal entities), to identify them as taxpayers.
Each of the elements that make up the RFC has a meaning, below we explain more:
RFC with homoclave for individuals
The RFC with homoclave for individuals contains 13 characters that arise from the name and date of birth of the taxpayer:
2 letters that correspond to the first letter of the paternal surname and the first vowel.
1 letter for the initial of the mother's surname, if there is none, an “X” will be used.
1 letter corresponding to the initial of the first name.
2 numbers to identify the last two digits of the year of birth.
2 numbers for the month of birth.
2 more numbers for the day of birth.
The 3 digits of the homoclave assigned by the SAT.
Example of a natural person's homoclave
An example of a homoclave would be that of an entrepreneur who provides marketing consulting on a freelance basis, whose name is Karime Martínez Medina and was born on April 22.