This is an opportunity that arises from the so-called

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This is an opportunity that arises from the so-called

Post by Bappy10 »

Until recently, those who did not want to cook had to go out to a bar or restaurant. However, new lifestyles and changes in the composition of households (smaller ones), plus the development of a technological ecosystem around the hospitality industry, have led to Spaniards eating out at home up to 6 times on average per month, whether from a grocery store or a restaurant, according to the report "Recalculando ruta 2020" by Nielsen, presented at the AECOC Congress on Commercial Strategy and Marketing.

This transchannel approach, in the case of the hospitality industry, has resulted in the rise of take-away, now available in 2 out of 10 restaurants in Spain, which means a 50% increase in sales during prime time (weekdays from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.) compared to an establishment without this service.

This line of business has been able to respond to consumer needs, as 2 out of 3 who order belgium phone number from the restaurant to eat at home admit that it is because they do not have to cook , while almost half claim time savings and convenience of not having to go to the restaurant. And along with convenience, surprise, as 38% value the possibility of having a different consumer experience and being surprised.
dissolution of channels and formats, one of the most important changes in mass consumption today and which requires a new approach to the consumer, but not in a collective way, but in a personalized way.

38% of consumers value the possibility of having a different consumer experience

Understanding each of the 47 million consumers, their very particular definitions of what and how value can be added to them and their ever-changing moments, encompass the main challenge facing the industry and distribution and in which technology must be the fulcrum for addressing new strategies.

AI and Machine Learning, allies in the shopping experience

The Smart Social User, as Nielsen calls it, differentiates the value provided by technology, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has a level of awareness among consumers of 5.6 out of 10. AI will therefore be a facilitator or enhancer of the value proposition to the consumer.

The use of artificial intelligence should bring manufacturers and distributors closer to consumers, but the approach must be clever. 60% of consumers want to receive personalized promotions within the store , but if these notifications occur before entering the store, only 5 out of 10 want to receive that information.
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