Major brands such as Zara, HBO, Pepsi and H&M are already using these new advertising formats on a regular basis, and investment is therefore expected to increase regularly in the coming months and years. However, there is still a great deal of general ignorance and marketing managers claim not to know how to integrate this new medium into their strategies, how to manage the purchase of inventory or how to size the investment required for these media.
Despite being aware of the opportunity and the need to explor this format, the lack of knowledge denmark number data when it comes to acquiring and working with this type of inventory or even the clichés regarding the user profile, can be a barrier for some companies. While in the common belief the video game user is a young man, the reality reveals that the age distribution is much more homogeneous than one might think , and that the balance between genders also exists.
In this sense, digital gaming platforms such as Azerion play an essential role in mediating between media and advertisers . In this case, it is the numbers that support the importance of choosing a platform to entrust with the management of this type of campaign. With 3.2 billion ads served per month, 300,000 advertisers worldwide, 425 million unique users per month and inventory available in more than 16,000 games, Azerion is a global leader in digital entertainment and has the largest inventory of in-game formats on the market to impact all types of audiences.
Its traditional in-game format stands out, allowing campaigns to be placed in 3D games from the main creators and with a level of personalisation on par with real life. Being the sponsor of a Formula 1 team, a tennis match, or a football team is, thanks to these formats, much more affordable for brands, creates great engagement with consumers and is at the same time, completely measurable in terms of frequency, impacts or impressions.