EEAT: Google and AI content production

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EEAT: Google and AI content production

Post by shukla7789 »

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the way we work, especially in the marketing sector. The technology has helped us to better understand customer profiles, develop strategies, create content, and many other activities.

In the world of SEO, this transformation is notable as the use of tools like ChatGPT has become practically indispensable.

But this raises some crucial questions: Does Google penalize AI-generated content? Could machines actually replace the skills of a human writer?

Computer screen open to the GPT Chat home page.

Google uses some guidelines to classify content in terms of quality and germany whatsapp database for the user. This is where the concept of EEAT comes in, which are pillars used to make this classification.

Let's understand!

Topic Index
What is EEAT?
The acronym created by Google stands for “Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust” and is part of its content classification system. It is used to evaluate whether the content on a website is useful and relevant to the user.

Google is always refining these guidelines in an effort to improve its ability to determine content quality and thereby improve the results delivered to users.

Therefore, it is important for SEO writers to keep up with the changes to understand how to create high-quality content that meets user expectations.

Let's understand what makes up the EEAT:

“Experience” values ​​content based on authentic experiences and firsthand accounts. This highlights the importance of approaching topics from a practical perspective — whether that’s using a product, visiting a location, or recounting a personal interaction.

This dimension was included to combat the practice of replicating content from other websites, something that has worsened with the emergence of AI tools that automatically rewrite content. This way, the content gains authenticity, reflecting the author's experience.

This dimension of EEAT concerns the author’s competence and knowledge on the subject. It is not just about basic information, but about the depth, insights , critical analysis and research that enrich the content. Different topics require different levels of expertise, ensuring that the content is not only informative, but also reliable and valuable to the reader.

“Authority” assesses the recognition and credibility of the content creator in their field of expertise. A subject written by a person who clearly has no experience or knowledge in the topic being addressed ends up being classified with a low EEAT by Google.

Authority involves practical experience, community recognition, and a responsible approach to sharing knowledge. In simple terms, it is the answer to the question: “Why should I trust this source over so many others?”

“Reliability” is the central pillar of EEAT, and relates to the accuracy, integrity and security of information and website pages.

Even with high levels of experience, expertise, and authority, a lack of trustworthiness can significantly compromise the EEAT of a piece of content. Trust, at its core, lies in the user’s ability to believe, without hesitation, what is being presented.

As an example of reliability, for e-commerce websites this factor can be reflected through secure payment systems and authentic product reviews.

The relationship between AI, SEO and content production
AI has been affecting the way we use the internet, and this has a direct impact on SEO strategies. Every day, new updates emerge that make AI tools even more sophisticated, which means that the user experience and the relationship between AI and SEO will still undergo significant transformations.

One of the most noticeable changes is the way people conduct searches. The significant growth in voice searches , driven by the popularization of virtual assistants, is a clear indication of this transformation.

This implies that the content produced needs to adapt to the particularities of vocal research, which naturally differs from traditionally written research.
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