If you've been one of those who's been putting off updating WhatsApp these days and pressing the "not now" button, it's time to press "accept" after all, because new rules are starting on May 15th. Are you confused about what's changing?
Well, if you continue to be a "campaigner" and persistently press snooze, WhatsApp warns that you will no longer be able to accept incoming calls or see notifications, WhatsApp will stop receiving messages or calls on your phone.
WhatsApp update: press “accept”
Although this update started in January , many of you postponed it, so iran phone number data much so that WhatsApp even considered removing the app from those who delayed it.
Update WhatsApp
For all you "not now" button lovers, WhatsApp says it will still allow you to continue using it, but every time you enter the chat room, it will remind you that the new rules have come into effect and to click "accept" anyway . And so on until you get bored...
WhatsApp update
They explain that after that the functionality of the application will become limited until users accept the new rules, but they also point out that this will not happen to everyone at the same time.
"You won't be able to access your conversations, but you will be able to answer incoming phone and video calls. If you have notifications turned on, you will be able to click on them to read or reply to a message and return a missed call. After a few weeks of limited functionality, you will no longer be able to accept incoming calls or see notifications, and WhatsApp will stop receiving messages or calls on your phone ," WhatsApp said.
They note that they will not delete the accounts of those who do not accept the new rules, and the functionality will be restored the moment the user accepts the new rules .
WhatsApp for Business
Facebook claims that the new rules apply primarily to companies that use WhatsApp to communicate with users and will allow them to share data with Facebook.
They emphasized that the rules for users within the EU, including those in Croatia, are slightly different and give them more control over their data (thanks to GDPR).
The good news for the “campaigners” is the following:
-No one will lose access to their WhatsApp account on May 15th due to these updates to the Terms of Use. For the past few weeks, we have been showing a notification in WhatsApp providing more information about the update. After giving everyone enough time to review the new terms, we will continue to remind those who have not had a chance to review and accept them. As the weeks go by, the reminder will become persistent – WhatsApp writes on its website.