28. Create a new superhero for your niche

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28. Create a new superhero for your niche

Post by zihadhosenjm80 »

28. Create a new superhero for your niche and explain what their superpowers would be
Blog Ideas Niche Superhero
What superpowers are necessary to succeed in your role? Who are the villains of your industry? afghanistan phone number material these questions (and more) through multiple fun blog post ideas by designing your own industry superhero. Give them a catchy name, reveal their strengths and weaknesses, and take them on extraordinary adventures that push them to the limits.

29. Draw your own comic strip and poke fun at industry clichés.
Blog Post Ideas Comic Strip
There’s a reason “Dilbert” remains one of the world’s most popular comics thirty years after it first debuted. It’s the perfect satire of the white-collar office world that millions find themselves trapped in. The situations that the title character finds himself in, though comically exaggerated, feel incredibly authentic.

Create a similar parody of your industry or cartoon-like Every Vowel to share through an ongoing series of blog post ideas that break down her or his life, and you’ll have your readers begging for more.

30. Write a personality quiz for your readers and highlight how different traits can be useful in your niche
Blog Post Ideas Personality Quiz
Spend 30 seconds scrolling through Facebook and you’ll notice just how popular personality quizzes are. People love learning something interesting about themselves in a fun and interactive way—which is why they’ve become such foundational blog post ideas in use by thousands of publications. Develop a personality quiz that applies to your industry and help people discover how they can play to their strengths.
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