In this article I will talk a little about making money on the internet, more precisely with Mini Sites or minimalist sites as some people also call them, which is a part of the structure for affiliates.
With a lean structure and aimed at converting into sales, mini sites are an excellent way to make money on the internet.
It's a quick model to create, and you don't have to work with content creation like you do with a blog.
The focus of mini sites is sales content, basically there are 2 or 3 pieces of content, which are created only once, that is, after creating the mini site, it continues to generate sales for you.
In fact, the only work you will have is to manage traffic and, if necessary, apply strategies to maintain or increase traffic .
Precisely because its sole objective is the direct sale of products, whether physical or digital.
The work, cost and time are infinitely less than creating and maintaining a blog.
Therefore, mini sites have become increasingly popular among affiliates.
And if you want practicality, they are an excellent option to earn money as a Hotmart affiliate.
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What is a Mini Site? How to make money online
The mini site looks like a blog, but with very little content, as I said before.
Furthermore, the sole purpose of mini sites is to attract people and direct them to sales pages and convert;
You can create a mini site on any topic, even if you have no experience in that area, unlike a blog.
Because the blog requires experience in the chosen area to generate and nurture it with good quality content.
Therefore, if you are a beginner affiliate , mini sites are a good option.
In fact, mini sites work very well because the people who visit them are people who arrive through searches made on search engines like Google, for example.
These are people who intend to buy, already have an objective, and often already know what product they are looking for.
In some cases, they just want to clear up a doubt or hear other people's opinions about the product to make a purchasing decision.
Therefore, if when accessing your mini site she finds the answers she is looking for, the possibility of the sale itself is much greater.
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With a lean structure and focused on sales conversion, mini belgium phone number data sites are an excellent way to make money online. Learn how!
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Set the type of mini site
There are two types of mini sites, advertising just one product or some products for a specific audience segment, that is, a specific niche.
Single product mini site
Your content will be only about that product, the name and URL usually include the product name.
An important point is that, if you decide to promote just one product, you are limited to that product and the risk is much greater.
Because if for some reason the product is discontinued or the producer no longer wants to have affiliates, you lose all your work and will have to start from scratch.
Mini niche site
On the other hand, if you choose a segment, if you have problems with one of the products you are promoting, you have the option of exchanging it for another product in the same segment.
And even better, you can promote products that complement each other.
Because a niche mini site is one created for a specific audience segment.
Setting the mini site name and URL
Now that you've decided how you're going to direct your mini site, it's time to decide on a name and URL.
First of all, my suggestion is that you do some keyword research to use in the title and URL, and consequently in the mini site articles.
I use Ubersuggest a lot, as well as Keyword Tool, to research keywords.
By the way, Google and Pinterest are also perfect for searching for keywords.
Then check if the domain you chose is available, if it is, buy it.
I bought mine through, but later when I went to purchase hosting I saw that I was entitled to a free year of domain.
So, my suggestion is to do everything in one place, and thus enjoy the domain for a free year.
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Setting up the structure of your mini site to make money online as an affiliate
Now let's talk about the structure and how to make money on the internet with mini sites.
I use Wordpess, I've used other platforms, but the WordPress structure is much better, I found it easier to use, even without knowing the platform.
Even more so since there are many videos and DIYs of plugins on the internet, just do a search.
Now it's time to decide which template you're going to use. It can be paid or free, it's up to you.
Look for a clean, straightforward, and responsive template.
After all, most people access the site via cell phone, an important point is that the template must be focused on conversions .
A template with low investment and everything you need for sales conversion is Wolf WP , which is what I'm using here at Vou Empreender e Agora?
Sales Conversion Framework to Make Money with Mini Sites
The main sales structure of the mini site is the sales articles.
It can be just one or a few, it's up to you, after all, some mini sites have just one content and sell really well.
It will all depend on how you want to set up your affiliate structure and which sales strategy you are going to use.