Personal profiles, publics, chats in the Telegram messenger have an individual address. In this article, we will show you step by step how to copy and forward a link to a group or chat in Telegram, we will tell you about the settings of publics. We will also give recommendations on promoting the group. You will be able to invite new members to the group.
Types of links in Telegram
There are two types of links in Telegram:
— Login/nickname, which is written after the "at" symbol. It looks like this: @nickname. It is used to search for a specific user to start a conversation. To start a conversation on Telegram, name or copy and send your interlocutor your unique nickname. How to create it is described below.
— Link for use outside the messenger. Personal accounts "live" at . To open a public account outside the messenger, you need a link like . This address can be copied and shared on social networks, placed on a website, business card, presentation.
How to copy a group link
Telegram is not Instagram. The messenger does not complicate users' phone number database philippines lives by forcing them to copy the address in tricky ways. To copy a link in Telegram, you need simple steps:
Instructions for Android users
Instructions for copying the group address:
— Launch Telegram
— Open the desired group
— At the top, on a blue background, is the profile description: logo, name, number of participants. Click on this field
— The profile description window will open. After the "Information" section there is an invitation link
— Tap and hold the title to copy the link. Wait for the “Copy” sign to appear. Tap it.
- Ready.
— Sometimes in the profile description authors write additional addresses, links to personal pages. Such addresses are written after the symbol "@"
Algorithm of action for iPhone
Telegram provides a specially developed version for the iOS operating system. To copy a link, you need approximately the same actions as for Android.
— Launch Telegram
- Open the required channel, chat
— There is a thumbnail with a description of the group at the top. Click it.
— In the profile description that opens, look for the name or nickname written after the “dog”: @name.
— You need to copy the link by long pressing on the name.
After copying, the address remains in the clipboard. Open a chat, messenger, correspondence in a social network, paste the copied into the dialogue and send. The interlocutor will go to the sent address, get into the Telegram channel.
It is more difficult to promote Telegram than Instagram and Tik Tok due to the lack of hashtags, recommendation feed, and internal search features. To attract new readers, you need to use mutual PR and paid advertising. There is also a free way - a multi-link . Place it in the header of your social media profile. Subscribers will follow it and get to a page where links to all your projects are collected. This is how users will learn about the Telegram channel.
How to copy ID in Telegram
If you need to share an ID, do it using a special bot:
— Open the messenger.
— Enter the query “@userinfobot” in the messenger search field.
- Enter the chat with the bot, click "start".
— The bot will send the identifier in a response message.
How to copy and share links to a Telegram channel
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