That’s why Gen Z turned itself to email list france Tumblr (do you even remember Tumblr?) in early 2022. And that’s why BeReal is growing — a lot and fast. The platform already has more than 10 million daily active users, up from 2 million in January 2022. And of course your peers wouldn’t let this growth go unnoticed, right? Snapchat, for example, launched a “new dual” camera option, similar to BeReal, and Meta is currently testing new Instagram features with a little bit of BeReal inspiration, too. If “real life” content is growing to a point where it achieves on giant social platforms such as Instagram (and exponentially boosts new ones like BeReal), of course we have to think about where we, marketers and brands, fit into this equation.

If the problem is the excess of edited content, advertising and algorithm… is there room for brands and Marketing at BeReal? How Does BeReal Work? If you’re not on BeReal yet, let me explain to you how it works. First, you will be able to have a single post per day. Every day at a different time, everyone is notified simultaneously to capture and share their real-time photo. No videos, no filters, only your real life in a single shot. And you need to act fast! When you receive the notification, you’ll only have two minutes to capture your picture, both with the rear and the front camera.