Once you start getting thousands of hits in a given hour, chances are the bandwidth provided by such a hosting plan will be too small to maintain optimal loading speed and performance.
If you are serious about converting business through the website poland whatsapp number growing it consistently with traffic, you need to use high-quality WordPress hosting services with scalable hosting plans that leave no room for poor performance despite a sudden surge in traffic.
You can always opt for dynamic cloud hosting platforms to maintain optimal loading speed and performance. SiteGround is a good choice for cloud hosting plans.
Use a content delivery network (CDN)
Content Delivery Networks (CDN) helps in promoting your content from the closest servers based on the location of the particular user accessing your website. And hence, irrespective of the server and the user’s location, the website content always maintains an optimal loading speed.
A CDN stores all the static files of the website including images, stylesheet, and JavaScript and loads them quickly when the user opens the website. To store these static files, a CDN service distributes the website content across multiple servers located in different parts of the world so that any user, regardless of their location, can see the instant loading of a website.
Instead of pingbacks and trackbacks, use Google Webmaster
Whenever your website receives a new link, the Pingbacks and Trackback feature sends you alerts by default, consuming a lot of server resources. Since they are responsible for consuming server resources and slowing down website performance, you should disable them.
Google Webmaster Tools
Alternatively, you can always use Google Webmaster Tools to check the website links. When you are looking to improve WordPress performance, even this marginal improvement should not be left out.