Rule 7: Touch back. It is common to hear sea israel email list soned sales people say that it is 7 times harder to gain a new client than to keep 1 existing client. Good clients are worth the high-touch. Keep them in the know but don’t waste their time. Always call them for a reason. You may want to reach out from time to time and ask them for referrals. Make it worth their while. Small business owners are always looking for ways to save nickels and dimes, so offer a referral bonus (a percentage of job margin dollars) for any new business opportunity they bring to you personally (after the referral job is completed and the checks clear).

Rule 8: Cardio, Cardio, Cardio. Yes, the small business market is a great opportunity to quickly build your reputation and resume but it’s a lot of activity… all the time. Forget 9 to 5 business hours. Small business owners are busy people. They will want to talk before hours, after hours, and on weekends. Be prepared to run. Always take the meeting. Show up on time. Additional Tips: Looking to grow your own presence in the local market and hob-knob with small business owners? Join the Chamber of Commerce and subscribe to your local Business Journal.